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Getting Started

Welcome to the Grand Traverse Hockey Association, home of the Traverse City North Stars.

GTHA is a 501c3 designated non-profit, incorporated in December 1970.

The purpose of GTHA is:

a) To encourage the playing of ice hockey by the youth of Northern Michigan;
b) To foster the teaching of ice hockey skills; 
c) To foster fair play and sportsmanship;
d) To provide Northern Michigan youth with the opportunity to play organized, sanctioned, competitive ice hockey
e) To own and manage assets in furtherance of Association purposes

GTHA E-Newsletter

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New To Hockey?

If you are new to hockey and would like to know more about terminology, equipment, rules, etc. 

Please visit our New To Hockey page!


If you are interested in being paired with a "seasoned" family who can help you navigate through the unknown or answer a quick question about hockey?   OR if you just have questions, please let us know! 

Email our Communications Director -

New To Hockey

If you are new to hockey, check out this page to learn more about the sport.