Welcome to the Grand Traverse Hockey Association, home of the Traverse City North Stars. We are a 501c3 designated non-profit, incorporated in December 1970.
The purpose of GTHA is:
a) To encourage the playing of ice hockey by the youth of Northern Michigan;
b) To foster the teaching of ice hockey skills;
c) To foster fair play and sportsmanship;
d) To provide Northern Michigan youth with the opportunity to play organized, sanctioned, competitive ice hockey
e) To own and manage assets in furtherance of Association purposes
Spring League Registration Opens - March 3
Spring League Schedule: March 31 - May 6.
Annual Meeting and Awards Ceremony - April 14th
Travel Tryout Registration Opens on April 15. We will create a Tryout Schedule
Tryout Interest Skates - May 11 - May 18
Travel Tryouts - May 19 - May 22 & May 26-27
2025-2026 Registration Opens - July 1, 2025
Feb 10, 2025 6pm
Each team's rosters will be posted to their respective divison's page once they are available. Use the links below to access those pages. Thanks and good luck!
Please Register - Link Below
President - Bill Parker
Vice President - Dugan Bradfield
House Vice President - Tony Saxton
Girls Vice President - Sara Posey
Secretary - Matt Classens
Coaching Director - Chris Posey
Mite Director - Deb Crossman
15% of total sales from spirit wear ordered through the Hockey Shop North website will go to GTHA this season!
The is the lastest video produced by USA Hockey describing the Cross-Ice Program.
Per USA Hockey and MAHA: Youth hockey player cell phones are not allowed in any locker room. With most kids having cell phones with cameras, there is a risk of inappropriate photos being taken and possibly being posted on the web. Hopefully, by keeping the phones out of the locker rooms, this can be avoided.
GTHA is taking this a step further and added to the policy by specifically saying any device capable of taking pictures or video are prohibited from the locker rooms.